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Dott. Francesco Sgro'

  • Dottorato: 25° ciclo
  • Matricola: 728910

Tesi di dottorato

CIT-K is  a large multidomain protein, containing a very conserved amino-terminal serine/threonine kinase domain and is one of the many effectors of Rho small GTPases, cytoskeletal regulators that play pleiotropic roles in cells. CIT-K knockdown results in a cytokinesis phenotype in Hela cells. In particular HeLa cells fail the cytokinesis during a very late stage, commonly referred to as abscission. Conversely the analysis of the phenotype of CIT-K knockout mice led to the discovery that CIT-K is required for cytokinesis only in specific cell types in particular GNP  and testis germ cells. We demonstrated that microtubules stability are important for CIT-K knockdown phenotypes and in particular that  Citron could have stabilizing effects on tubulin during abscission. We prove also that a particular tubulin isoform is important for citokynesis  (Tubulin BetaIII). In particular Tubulin betaIII downregulation and overespression determinate a binucleate phenotypes; therefore  Citron and this tubulin double knockdown combine to generate a lot of  binucleate cell in Hela, indicating that both are important for cytokinesis. We must understand if Cit-K  regulate tubulin betaIII dynamics and how this regulation occur. Since tubulin betaIII is expressed in neuronal cell, we translate the evidence obtained in hela in a neuronal cellular system

Attività di ricerca

 corso di aggiornamento “cellule Staminali in modelli sperimentali preclinici e clinici”

 36th  FEBS Congress "Biochemistry for Tomorrow's Medicine"Torino

Abstract e Poster "Microtubule-dependent cytokinesis control by Citron kinase" presentato Al FEBS Congress "Biochemistry for Tomorrow's Medicine.

corso teorico " Cellular senescence, in anging, stem cell biology, tumor suppression and therapy"


Partecipazione al Keystone Simposia “Molecular, Cellular, Physiological, and Pathogenic Responses to Hypoxia “,  Fairmont Hotel Vancouver  •  Vancouver, British Columbia

convegno “Molecular Determinants of cell Signalling”, organizzato dalla società di biofisica e biologia molecolare, svoltosi presso il centro di biotecnologie molecolari dell’università’ di Torino


 ABCD “Stem cell, development, regeneration” Torino, 6-7  Maggio 2012

 “Cancer day”, Torino, 7  Giugno 2012

Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/02/2013 15:21
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