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Dr Alfredo Brusco

Office: 0116334480 Fax: 0112366662

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche - Laboratorio di Genetica medica


  1. Pathogenetic mechanisms in hereditary ataxias. Autosomal dominant SCA28: mitochondrial fission/fusion in the pathogenesis of disease. Missense mutations in elongase genes on cellular function and ER unfolded protein response: the SCA 38 pathogenesis. Identification of causative genes in mental retardation and neurodegenerative syndromes: linkage analyses, array-CGH, esome sequencing and  cellular models.
  2. Position effects in genetic diseases: regulatory regions of disease genes. 4C technology.
  3. Towards therapeutic strategies in genetic disease: SINEup as translational regulators; allele specific siRNA to downregulate mutant genes in gain of function diseases; identification of drugs acting as expression regulation of lamin B1 in autosomal dominant leukodystrophy.

Research Products of Brusco Alfredo

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/09/2018 23:24
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